Limitador acústico de sonido
Conexiones de audio y control
Control telemático
EQLimit Rear
EQLimit Rear
Micrófono MS-1
Micrófono MS-1
Display DD-1
Display DD-1
Display DD-3
Display DD-3
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MRC Audio Sound limiter-controller

Every day more problems related to noise coming from leisure establishments that play music arise. To avoid discomfort due to excessive sound pressure level, the best solution is a good acoustic isolation, but this is not always possible because of structural and economic reasons. In any case, a complementary solution is to control the music power emitted by the sound system, adjusting it to a level always under annoying levels or levels that comply with relative local laws.

Since 1991 our brand has been manufacturing acoustic limiters for this purpose, based on the criterion of maximum sound quality. Our products are designed to provide a useful tool for the local authorities that need to control noise emission and for the establishments’ owners that need to comply with local laws but maintaining the quality of their product: the music. Therefore, the control circuit of our devices has been carefully designed to provide high sound quality, even when high attenuation levels.

Our EQLimit recorder limiter can be limited by the microphone signal or by frequency filters that adapt the control signal to the acoustic isolation of the premises and is approved by the main municipalities in our country and several international ones.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.